
Eleven inspection

I am an occupational therapist working in Saga Suma and Fukuoka Aoi between the bridges.

It has been more than five years since the Japanese Society of Geriatrics named the condition of reduced muscle strength and activity in the elderly as " frailty . "

It's still a word I'm not used to hearing, but I think it's a good word to remember to keep your body from declining.

According to the American Academy of Geriatrics , three or more of the following five problems are frail:

Lose 4-5 kg ​​in one year

I get tired easily

□ Decreased muscle strength and grip strength

Walking speed decreased

Reduced physical activity

The Japan Geriatrics Association advises that many people over the age of 75 will enter a state of needing long-term care after this stage.

Professor Katsuya Iijima of the Institute of Gerontology at the University of Tokyo has designed a " frailty check " that allows you to check your frailty level and proactively implement frailty prevention.

This fragile check is for citizens, takes the form of a question for ease of checking, and is designed to answer " yes or no " to the question .

There are two types of fragile checks: simple checks and comprehensive checks.

Eleven inspection

Choose Yes or No for the 11 items below . _

The 4/8/2011 question has the " yes / no " order reversed , so please double check.

People with 6 or more marks in the right column of the questionnaire should be careful, the risk of frailty is high.

It is said that with each additional check in the right column, the risk of frailty doubles.

11 Check for weakness
Nutrition/Food (Oral)
① Health problems compared to same-sex people of about the same age Do you pay attention to the food you pick up? Yes Do not
② Do you eat vegetables and main dishes (meat or fish) at least twice a day? Yes Do not
③ It is as firm as "Sakiika" and "Takuan" Can you chew food normally? Yes Do not
④ Have you ever choked on tea or soup? Do not Yes
⑤ Do you exercise at least 30 minutes a day, at least twice a week, for at least 1 year? Yes Do not
⑥ Do you walk or do equivalent physical activity for at least 1 hour every day in your daily life? Yes Do not
⑦Do you think your walking speed is faster than that of people of the same age? Yes Do not
social engagement
⑧ Do you go out less frequently than last year? Do not Yes
⑨ Do you eat with someone more than once a day? Yes Do not
⑩ Do you think you are energetic? Yes Do not
11 First of all, are you worried about forgetfulness? Do not Yes
*Please note that "yes" and "no" for 4, 8 and 11 are reversed.

At the end

This time, I introduced the " Eleven Check " .

I would appreciate it if you could use it for your own physical exam.


Citations / references

1) Ministry of Health , Labour and Welfare explanatory material ( September 2 , 2016 ) : Early frailty prevention strategy based on community support system


2 ) Flail Eleven Check



3) Physical examination method (Odawara City Hospital public lecture materials)


4) The 2nd Kashiwa Fragility Prevention Project 2025 Promotion Committee in 2018 : Introduction of the latest achievements of the University of Tokyo


☆*:. .Thank you for reading to the end . .:*☆


This article was reprinted on August 27, 2022 on Aoi Hashima's blog " Stroke Rehabilitation Longevity Consultation Center ".

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