
Long-term changes after a stroke

I'm Aoi Hashima , an occupational therapist working in Saga Sumai and Fukuoka.

Patients in the hospital and people I connect with on social media often ask me: "Will I be better 180 days after a stroke?"

In particular, we received questions from hospitalized patients, such as "Will nothing change after I leave the hospital?"

If you do nothing after discharge and your activities remain the same, nothing will change.

Not only that, but inactivity can lead to "disuse syndrome" (muscle weakness, physical weakness, etc.).

For people who are hospitalized, I provide all kinds of information to let them imagine what life will be like after discharge.

After discharge, you can use outpatient rehabilitation, day care or home visit rehabilitation.

In outpatient rehabilitation, day care, home visit rehabilitation, I think the longest recovery time is about 1 hour.

After discharge, one to several hours of recovery time per week is important, but the time without recovery is overwhelming.

During the hospital stay, there may be people who do up to 3 hours of rehabilitation training per day, and self-training in the ward etc. outside of the rehabilitation time.

However, after discharge, recovery time is often less than during hospitalization.

Physical exertion is important for the recovery of paralyzed limbs.

Various studies have reported the relationship between long-term improvement and the use of the paralyzed hand in daily life.

During the hospital stay, we will tell you to set goals as much as possible and ensure the amount of use of the paralyzed hand after discharge.

After discharge, we will provide you with a menu of various contents as voluntary training, but we will tell you that using the paralyzed hand in daily life is an important recovery time, and there is a relationship between the amount of use and the amount of the paralyzed hand. and functional improvements. let me tell you.

People with paralyzed hands who can barely move are asked to put their arms on the table when eating and hold newspapers in their paralyzed hands when reading.

For people whose paralyzed hands can bend and straighten slightly, we instruct them to participate in folding the towel and hold the towel while washing the body.

Paraplegic hand disuse may lead to paraplegic hand disuse and hinder paraplegic hand improvement.

I want to support people who are hospitalized so that they can imagine what it will be like after discharge, and tell them that using a paralyzed hand in their daily life will continue to change in the long term even after discharge.

☆*:.。.Thank you for reading till the end.。.:*☆

This article was reprinted on September 11 , 2022 on Aoi Hashima's blog " Stroke Rehabilitation Longevity Consultation Center " .

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