
Adler's three principles of happiness

I'm Aoi Hashima , an occupational therapist working in Saga Sumai and Fukuoka.

The other day, I attended my fourth online peer tutoring study session.

One of them is "Adler's Three Principles of Happiness".

I didn't know Adler's three principles of happiness, so I decided to study them and write about what I read.

Adler's three principles of happiness

The three principles of happiness (three conditions) of Adler psychology are the conditions for feeling happy and becoming happy by being aware of these three.

These are Adler's three principles of happiness.

​① Self-acceptance: Accept yourself

②Trust others: accept others and yourself

③ Contribution to others: Feeling like you are contributing to others and society ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー

When these three conditions are met, a "sense of community" develops.

There are various definitions of community, but Adler psychology defines it as thinking about what I can give to others.

I think online peer counseling study groups are a place where it's easy to get that "I'm fine with myself" and "I'll accept myself" feeling by getting to know yourself.

I think it's great that I not only learned to provide peer counseling for others and society, but to be able to love myself.

As for trusting others and contributing to others (social contribution), I was deeply moved by listening to other participants.

"what can I do?"

"I think I can do it ◯◯"

It feels natural.

Online peer tutoring learning sessions have become an important time for myself to adjust my mindset.

Due to the corona crisis, it is difficult to set a date for the Saga online meetup, but I would like to reopen as soon as possible.

1) Takuya​​a Ueda: Re-examining the concept of self-acceptance. The Japanese Journal of Psychology 1996, Vol. 67, No. 4, 327-332

2) Yasumasa Kosaka: Development of a community awareness scale. Research in Educational Psychology, 2011.

3) Seishiro Hashiguchi: Created a single-item version of the Feelings of Community Scale.

☆*:.。. Thank you for reading to the end.。.:*☆

This article was reprinted on September 7 , 2022 on Aoi Hashima's blog " Stroke Rehabilitation Longevity Consultation Center " .

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