
value your ideas

I'm Aoi Hashima , an occupational therapist working in Saga Sumai and Fukuoka.

Have you ever been criticized or treated negatively by those around you when you tried to stick to your ideas or continue to do your best?

If people around you have a negative view of the results of your own thoughts and actions, you may feel frustrated.

There is a law that can make it easier to think about relationships in order to get along with those around you.

The two are similar, but I think just changing the angle of your thinking a little will make your mind easier.

This time, I'm going to introduce you to the idea that the mentality of relationships will become easier.

2:7:1 Rule

One is Carl Rogers' 2:7:1 rule.

Carl Rogers is an advocate for counseling and the author of many books.

I once quoted Carl Rogers on my blog about psychological care.

"Psychological Care: Empathy Support/Active Listening"
I am Aoi Hashima, an occupational therapist working in Saga Sumai and Fukuoka. The other day, I wrote a post titled "Psychological Nursing: Stop Self-Association." "Psychological Nursing: Disconnecting Self-Association and...
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The 2:7:1 rule is said to be the law of relationships.

If there are 10 people,

✔ Two people get along well

✔ None of 7

✔ 1 person feud

That's the idea.

Suppose you have a really good goal or idea.

Suppose there are 10 people around you, and two of them will agree with you unconditionally.

These seven are people who don't change their minds depending on the situation or mood at the time.

Some people say that no matter how good a person's thoughts or actions are, a person will deny or have a bad attitude.

No matter how good you think you are, you can have goals, you can create ideas, but one cannot agree to it.

I think no matter how much I explain to them, it's going to be hard for that person to accept me, so I think it's better to focus on valuing your own ideas rather than trying to convince them.

262 rule

The rule of 262 is said to be derived from the Pareto principle.

The Pareto Principle is a law discovered by economist Wilfred Pareto, which states that 80% of the whole is produced by 20% of the elements of the whole.

For example, as a rule of thumb, 80% of a company's sales come from 20% of its employees.

An idea derived from the Pareto principle, the "Rule of 262", has a different ratio than Rogers' 2:7:1 rule, but the idea is pretty much the same.

If you are surrounded by 10 people, you will have 2 people who agree, 6 people who disagree, and 2 people who disagree.

value your ideas

Knowing the rule of 2:7:1 and the rule of 262, no matter how good your thoughts are, you can think that there will be 1-2 negative people around you.

Rather than spending energy trying to convince one or two people with negative thoughts, it's important to take your thoughts seriously and be positive in the direction you want.

It's also important to change your perspective so you can think easily about relationships.

,゚.:。+゚Thank you for reading to the end,゚.:。+゚

This article was reprinted on October 1 , 2022 on Aoi Hashima's blog " Stroke Rehabilitation Longevity Consultation Center " .

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