
Favorite Rehab Tool: Jigsaw Puzzles

I'm Aoi Hashima , an occupational therapist working in Saga Sumai and Fukuoka.

So far, I've explained various "common tools for rehabilitation."

This time, I would like to describe the characteristics of the "jigsaw puzzle" that often occurs not only in hospitals, but also in nursing homes (so-called aged care), special nursing homes (special nursing homes) and outpatient clinics. facility.

what is a puzzle

Jigsaw puzzles are often translated as puzzles.

Jigsaw puzzles are puzzles in which a picture, photograph, or illustration is broken down into pieces, and the broken pieces are then reassembled into a single picture.

Jigsaw puzzles vary in difficulty, depending on factors such as the level of detail in the illustrations, the size of the puzzle, and the number of pieces.

You can choose the difficulty level, so people of all ages can enjoy the game, from children to adults.

Why Jigsaw Puzzles Are Used for Rehabilitation

Since the puzzle is assembled while viewing the sample, it is possible to use what you see (visual information) to provide rehabilitation support.

Also, there is a need to use higher brain function in repeating all kinds of trial and error.

✔ Assemble puzzles systematically (planning to assemble from edges, etc.)

✔ Remember what you've tried

✔ Focus

✔ Stay focused

In general, the higher brain functions required for puzzles are listed above.

Also, if the pictures and illustrations of the puzzle are fun, you'll love assembling the puzzle.

Types of puzzles

You can find various types of puzzles by searching for "brain training" or "puzzles".

▶︎ Different puzzles

Source: Amazon

As you can see above, the puzzle has pieces of different shapes, some of which have the shape of the pieces marked on the base.

There are also elderly-friendly photo puzzles.

Source: Amazon

Puzzles with clear colors are easier to assemble.

▶︎ Puzzles with the same shape

Source: Amazon

The jigsaw puzzles of the aforementioned Japan map are often found in various facilities.

Even if the pieces are similar in shape, you can work by memorizing a map of Japan that you are familiar with.

Source: Amazon

Jigsaw puzzles for maps of Japan are also in the mold type.

The shards are the shape of each county, so you can also use that to find shards for counties in your area.

▶︎ Stylized puzzles

Source: Amazon

There are also jigsaw puzzles that place various shaped pieces into the frame.

There are many ways to use jigsaw puzzles, such as using them as part of your recovery, or as your own entertainment.

I think it would be nice if you could choose what works for everyone and assemble the jigsaw puzzle.

,゚.:。+゚Thank you for reading to the end,゚.:。+゚

This article was reprinted on October 4 , 2022 on Aoi Hashima's blog " Stroke Rehabilitation Longevity Consultation Center " .

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