
Higher symptoms of brain dysfunction may be noted after discharge

I'm Aoi Hashima , an occupational therapist working in Saga Sumai and Fukuoka.

Higher brain dysfunction is difficult to understand visually, and I think it is difficult for both people and people around them to understand what symptoms they have.

While the classification of higher-order brain dysfunction is clear, the reality is that it is difficult to understand exactly what kind of higher-order brain dysfunction occurs in behavior.

Higher brain dysfunction may cause the following symptoms.

□ Memory disorders: Difficulty remembering old and new things

□ Attention deficit: decreased attention and distraction

□ Executive dysfunction: Difficulty planning and executing actions according to their purpose

□ Social Behavioral Disorder: Difficulty controlling emotions and behavior

"Higher brain dysfunction" is a disorder that interferes with daily life due to the above symptoms.

Even if you do not notice symptoms of high brain dysfunction during your hospital stay, you may become aware of high brain dysfunction by noticing the following points in your daily life after discharge.

◆ Not being on time for appointments

◆ Even if you take notes or write in a notebook to supplement your memory, you will forget where your notes and notebooks are.

◆ get angry easily

◆ Can't do the same job for a long time

◆ Difficulty taking action even if you can read the workbook

◆ Buy whatever you want

◆ I can't stop gambling

Behavioral changes that become apparent in daily life after discharge from hospital are often associated with high post-stroke brain dysfunction.

After home discharge, if you do not notice elevated brain dysfunction during your hospital stay, talk to your primary care physician or a rehabilitation person who manages internal medications after a stroke.

In addition to the staff and nursing managers of the hospital where you are hospitalized, please consult the "Advanced Brain Dysfunction Support Promotion Project Support Center" established in each county.

On the website of the Advanced Brain Dysfunction Information Support Center of the National Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled, the "Advanced Brain Dysfunction Support and Communication Program Support Bases" for each state are published.

Advanced Brain Dysfunction Help Desk Information
Information such as contact information of organizations established in the prefecture as support bases for consultation desks for advanced brain dysfunctions has been released.

You can inquire about public services, procedures, rehabilitation, symptom measures and other information related to high brain dysfunction.

After discharge, if you notice any changes in your behavior, find life difficult, or have your behavior pointed out by those around you, talk to your doctor or the nearest office.

☆*: Thank you for reading to the end. :*☆

This article was reprinted on September 22 , 2022 on Aoi Hashima's blog " Stroke Rehabilitation Longevity Consultation Center " .

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